

Or I will hunt you down. :sure:
I’m getting my copy tonight. :player:

I bought my copy yesterday. :slight_smile:

They’ve done well. :slight_smile:

hm…i might go down to the record store today…i heard it was really good.

man, I don’t like the europeans getting it before us. :angry:

But tonight, alas, I will have my copy. I was a good boy and didnt get teh pirated version pats myself on the back

hey! you’ll get your copy soon enough. i hate how canadians are so … canadian!!! haha, just kidding, canadia rocks.

its ok its not what i expected i really liked the somewhere i belong track but the rest left me hungry for more, i still think hybrid theory is their best album though because i didnt like reanimation much then again thats just me im sure they will sell truckloads of it lol


<- didnt buy reanimation
Rock remix’s (or whatever you want to call them) aren’t my thing.

ya reanimation was really a gimmick to have another linkin park album i bet their record label made em do that to have more money, I think what they did was mess up truly great songs lol


but i cant wait to get it, 40 page booklet of art and stuff… verrry cool. also, a dvd … even though i dont gots a dvd player. :stuck_out_tongue:

i didn’t like reanimation either. and i hated how they labeled their titles: Kyur4 The Ich, Enth E nd, 1stp Klosr…no.


I have their new album (bootleg)

I have listened to it for a couple of days and have to say that I like their first one better. No mind you - I dont listen to this kind of music often but I enjoyed their last one so i thought I would give this a try. Dont get me wrong, I liked it, just not as much as the one before… I will still buy it though :slight_smile: I like to support bands that put out good music all the way through the album.

my copy is in my mailbox, I’m just too lazy to walk down to the post office and get it…


they’re playing an hour away from here really soon, but i’ve already spent $110 for two upcoming shows (RHCP and Pearl Jam), so I don’t think i’ll go. I’ll go get the album soon tho.

I have til 2:45 Eastern Time… so I might pick it up before class…

I got mine off the net 3 days ago.
Yeah Linkin Park are great, the best hard rock band about for sure.

To make you all extremely jealous, I saw linkin park live (before Hybrid theory came out) playing infront of about 300 - before they were famous.

I thought they had real potential even then :slight_smile:

i wouldn’t say they’re one of the best. but they’re definately good. I have to say they were great live.

this is no place to talk about piracy so stop now or you shall face the dire consequences.

woah there… no one said where he/she got it or tell you to go and do it.