Might not be possible

Is it possible to have a mouse follow effect change images (following mouse) - say sectioned out in quarters or halves of the movie?

one bird folling mouse until mouse passes center of screen, then changes to two birds following mouse … etc…


try this script:

[AS]follow = function () {
this._visible = true;
this._x = _xmouse;
this._y = _ymouse;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_xmouse<225 && _ymouse<200) {
mouse1.onEnterFrame = follow;
mouse2._visible = false;
mouse3._visible = false;
mouse4._visible = false;
if (_xmouse>225 && _ymouse<200) {
mouse2.onEnterFrame = follow;
mouse1._visible = false;
mouse3._visible = false;
mouse4._visible = false;
if (_xmouse>225 && _ymouse>200) {
mouse3.onEnterFrame = follow;
mouse1._visible = false;
mouse2._visible = false;
mouse4._visible = false;
if (_xmouse<225 && _ymouse>200) {
mouse4.onEnterFrame = follow;
mouse1._visible = false;
mouse2._visible = false;
mouse3._visible = false;

basically what you have here is a function that makes the current MC visible and makes the x and y coordinates the same as the mouse. then you have four if statements to check where the mouse is. if the statement is satisfied, then the mc cosen for that area has the follow function applied to it and the others become invisible.

another way you can do this effect is have one MC and have four frames in it which each contain a different MC. then use the if statements to control wich frame the container MC is on

good luck :slight_smile:


here’s the fla…
