So I have now migrated my flash projects bullet movieclip code into a class, like so:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import String;
public class Bullet extends MovieClip
// Class wide variables.
var bmove:int = 1;
var b_name =;
var t_bullet:String = b_name.substring(b_name.indexOf("_")+2, 20);
var o_tower:int = parent.target_array["bullet_"+t_bullet][0];
var etarget:String = parent["enemy_basic1_"+o_tower];
// Bullet class constructor.
public function Bullet():void
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enter_frame, false, 0, true);
// Bullet class, Enter Frame event.
private function enter_frame(Event)
if (this.DisplayObject.x < 0 || this.DisplayObject.y < 0 || parent.enemy_array[o_tower] < 1) { parent.removeChild(this) }
if (parent[etarget]._y < this.DisplayObject.y) { this.DisplayObject.y -= bmove; }
else if (parent[etarget]._y > this.DisplayObject.y) { this.DisplayObject.y += bmove; }
if (parent[etarget]._x < this.DisplayObject.x) { this.DisplayObject.x -= bmove; }
else if (parent[etarget]._x > this.DisplayObject.x) { this.DisplayObject.x += bmove; }
if (this.DisplayObject.hitTestObject(parent[etarget]))
parent[etarget].hp -= parent.target_array["bullet_"+t_bullet][1];
Which as far as I know is fine, but it has no image, or any of the movieclip properties the original bullet did, how do I fix this? I still have my bullet movieclip on the stage, it just doesn’t have any actionscript in it now (as I moved it to a class).
Am I supposed to somehow attach this movieclip (won’t this cause bloat, the class itself extends a MovieClip type and then I go and add/attach a seperate MovieClip to it?).
P.S. If anyone finds anything wrong with the above class, feel free to let me know, it will certainly help (I have the class compiling without error but perhaps I might run into problems later down the track with some things), and those arrays are meant to be created in the frames onLoad event.