Migration problems

Hi all,

I’m in the process of migrating from Flash over to Flex Actionscript Projects, to be honest I’m struggling with very simple stuff!

Obviously I’m used to having the Library in Flash, I am trying to export MovieClips as SWCs to use in Flex but I can’t seem to get it to work. Here’s what I’m doing:

In Flash, I create a MovieClip (just a simple square) and give it a class name of squareMC
In the Flash Library, I right click the symbol and Export SWC file - saving it to the assets folder of my Flex Actionscript Project
In Flex, Project > Properties > Actionscript Build Path > Library Path I have added the assets folder as a SWC folder

How on earth do I now use the squareMC class? All I want to do is to add it to the stage!

var sq:squareMC = new squareMC(); //Doesn’t work

Is this the right approach anyway?

Any help greatfully received!
