Hi all,
I’m in the process of migrating from Flash over to Flex Actionscript Projects, to be honest I’m struggling with very simple stuff!
Obviously I’m used to having the Library in Flash, I am trying to export MovieClips as SWCs to use in Flex but I can’t seem to get it to work. Here’s what I’m doing:
In Flash, I create a MovieClip (just a simple square) and give it a class name of squareMC
In the Flash Library, I right click the symbol and Export SWC file - saving it to the assets folder of my Flex Actionscript Project
In Flex, Project > Properties > Actionscript Build Path > Library Path I have added the assets folder as a SWC folder
How on earth do I now use the squareMC class? All I want to do is to add it to the stage!
var sq:squareMC = new squareMC(); //Doesn’t work
Is this the right approach anyway?
Any help greatfully received!