I’m about to throw my laptop out the window- this is driving me so crazy.
On my main timeline I have a movieclip- that should fade down images- revealing the ones beneath.
The images are called pic1, pic2, etc.
So this script is INSIDE the mc- anyone know why it isn’t working?
Could it be a scope thing?
var currentPic:Number = 1;
var picSpeed:Number = 5;
var picTime:Number = 2000;
init ();
function init () {
timer = setInterval (slideShow, picTime);
function slideShow () {
var thisPic = this[“pic” + currentPic];
onEnterFrame = function () {
trace (currentPic);
thisPic._alpha -= picSpeed;
if (thisPic._alpha <= 0) {
thisPic._alpha = 0;
Man- it would so rule if someone could help…