Looking to do a constructive battle (I know, an oxymoron) - starting after this weekend (june 26th) though because I plan to welcome summer my own ethylic way…
We could make this a 3 person battle, first come chooses theme for the other two…
I haven’t started yet ;( - I plan on doing it this WE (Im currently modding the goddam bus, writing a tut for Kirupacom and enjoying parties for my finals)
Will do !
(and goood I can’t think of anything yet… inspirition will be reinvigorated after a little food. :jumps on food: catch you all later)
can we extend the deadline to at least sometime around 6:00-7:00 EST on monday the 5th? I have just realised a painful error that I made and need until then to retreive the PSD’s (I didn’t do them on my computer) and fix the problems?
next it’s mlk, then Brich, then me, then you.
But I might have to pull out of this one, maybe, becuase my whole windows and linux OS are about to be deleted, due to booting and HD problems…
im sorry i am ashamed but I’ll never have time to put effort into that battle, Im currently writing a long tut for kirupa.com and I’ll be on it for days… all my excuses to b-rich and grinch, we’ll do it a later time if you still want to battle !