Mlk vs any takers

Looking to do a constructive battle (I know, an oxymoron) - starting after this weekend (june 26th) though because I plan to welcome summer my own ethylic way…

We could make this a 3 person battle, first come chooses theme for the other two…

Looking forward to hear from a few of you :rabbit:

:bump: Is thing still on?

I haven’t started yet ;( - I plan on doing it this WE (Im currently modding the goddam bus, writing a tut for Kirupacom and enjoying parties for my finals)

Will do !

(and goood I can’t think of anything yet… inspirition will be reinvigorated after a little food. :jumps on food: catch you all later)

Ok Ok… Have fun man, I guess I’ll just start on another bus mod, or that car one.

Can’t wait!

Any help please?

one more thing:

can we extend the deadline to at least sometime around 6:00-7:00 EST on monday the 5th? I have just realised a painful error that I made and need until then to retreive the PSD’s (I didn’t do them on my computer) and fix the problems?

next it’s mlk, then Brich, then me, then you.
But I might have to pull out of this one, maybe, becuase my whole windows and linux OS are about to be deleted, due to booting and HD problems…

But I’ll try!

nice serve grinch…looks really good. the whole desaturated feel is awesome.

bump. (edit: i edited my picture as previously stated, however it didn’t improve much so I am leaving it as is)

This is the most confusing un-organized battle I’ve ever seen :stuck_out_tongue:

to right you are ethan.

im sorry i am ashamed but I’ll never have time to put effort into that battle, Im currently writing a long tut for and I’ll be on it for days… all my excuses to b-rich and grinch, we’ll do it a later time if you still want to battle !



its ight man, jus let us know when you can do it. better yet just post your entry when you got time.

Yeah it’s all cool mlk,
and plus, I’m going to Florida on Saturday for 2 weeks! :slight_smile: So I doubt I’ll have much concentration to do PS there.

GoodLuck with all that business!