I have a rewrite rule set up to give pages such as “students/johnny_surname” rather than “/students.php?id=45”.
This is how it stands at the moment.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /dev/
RewriteRule ^students/([A-Za-z\_\'\-]+)/?$ students.php?student=$1 [QSA]
students.php takes the names supplied and gets the relevant details.
This all works fine, except for surnames with spaces in them.
If I navigate to
- /students.php?student=min-kyung_kate nam*
Then everything works fine. The names are put through *urldecode() *and it works as expected.
But if I go to
students/*min-kyung_kate nam
*Then the rewrite seems to fall over. I just get a 404.
Can anyone help?