/// MODS brainstorming ///

:)… I’m not broke or anything. I just know that there are others who have the same version as I do.

In web design you are taught not to exclude anyone. So though I exagerated when saying 80%, you’d still get the same opinion from me if it were 20%. :wink:

Hmmm, maybe you could save up to buy the Full version of MX instead of an upgrade, then you can have both 5 and MX on your computer. Pretty much a waste of space, but if it works, why not? And it will allow you to help both 5 and MX people. That is the only solution I have.

I do know that many people still have 5, so it would suck to exclude them. Such a confusing debate. We need to find a sure fire way to please both 5 and MX people.

personaly I think you MXer’s have it easy with all the new features… but I’m sure that a 4.0 programer (if there are any left <<shudder>>) would say the same thing about us 5ers

We do have it easy. That is no lie. But you can’t hold that against us new coders that started with MX. I am sure I could have learned 5 code, but I never had the chance.

Eh, I guess I am glad it is easier since I am also still trying to learn PHP and stuff. Takes a load off my back.

Um, I quite like the idea of people providing a set of symbols and a task, then seeing how people script it.

Well, I can’t do anything now that I’m officily on vacation. But I think we should give it a first go, see what happens, and then decide on what to do next.

Concerning the F5/FMX debate, I think that some of us know quite well both, so it won’t be too much of a problem to judge anyway.

And about the idea to give a simple drawing with no script, this is not really what I was thinking about in the beginning. I think it is important to have a theme to work with, just a simple scripted basis. What Kitiara said, basically.

pom :asian:

Im with Kit and Pom. I think we’ll have to nudge a little and see what comes up. I have no doubt, though, that some of our quiet experts will come up outta nowhere and blow us out of the water.hehee

Sorry, David… I thought I had an extra license of MX, and I was going to donate to you, but then I remembered I used it to get a Studio MX upgrade and I gave the other one to someone else. Oh well… it’s the thought that counts. Right?

It is at that… but no need. I’ll get MX when there is a good enough percentage of the population who has the mx plugin… before that point in time would be a waste because I wouldn’t use it.

As I said… I have a decidedly different point of view on such things. I’m a web site designer, not a cutting edge person.
I’m going to go and check out the w3c and macromedia and then bring back the actual stats for you guys and then you’ll see just how much of the population you’re excluding. :slight_smile:

I have the money… hell I have enough for the whole MX studio suite and it wouldn’t even put a dent in my budget. I have every intention of buying it… and even if I didn’t I could have it up and running on my system anytime I wanted in a matter of 10 minutes or so for installation. I have CHOSEN not to upgrade and that’s all there is to it.

Very honorable decision david. I bought MX mainly because by the time I had money to buy Flash, MX was out. So I figured that by the time I learned Actionscript if I bought 5, it would be worthless and everyone would be movin’ on up to MX so I would only have to start on that anyways.

David, you got a little sensitive on me there, bud. I was just trying to help you out with a copy. Not charity. Not pity. Just offering to help.

I would love to get back on the topic at hand, if that is possible.

Right. So what should we do? :stuck_out_tongue:

I was really thinking about that grid thing, so if noone objects, we can start talking about it.

pom :asian:

not sensitive… serious. But that’s ok. I appreciate the offer… really.

as for the subject… I’m all for getting back to that. :slight_smile:

The grid thing sounds great. A lot can be done with grids:)

I was trying to write something, but I don’t know where I should stop in the explanations. Basically, the problem is who we are targetting: advanced users or the average user?

pom :asian:

I think we should target the average user. That way we can help them learn more and become more advanced.

My assumption was that we would target the average user over the advanced but that the challenges would range the gambit. I don’t see anything wrong with setting up a couple of advanced projects now and again.

All right, I’ll give the minimum info to start with, and we’ll see what happens.

pom :asian:

well…what happened?? <:}

Can I offer some non-MOD opinions to this guys?

I think what you are planning on doing is agreat idea… And I can’t wait for it to come out… I think the ideas will be fresh and great and everything will be fine… I noticed some of your options and I thought I’d post some of my views… If you wanna disregard this then so beit… But as an avid user and a Flash user I wanna offer opinions…

  1. F5 vs FMX : Lemme put it this way… It was alot easier for me to learn 5 then it was for me to learn MX… There are so many new things in MX that it just makes 5 looks miniscule in comparison… We have the new drawing API and dynamicevent handlers now that just make coding a whole lot different in a flash environment… But there is also a save as Flash 5 option in MX. If it came down to only Flash 5 compatible then… so be it… We MX’ers can save our files as Flash 5 and hope to god we didn’t use any new features in it… I like the idea of whichever version you use is what you use… But I agree that all contests should be more centered towards 5. Like this for example:

A Flash 5 project would be as easy as saying make the grid effects…

A Flash MX project would be… use the drawing API to create somehting cool… It’s something the Flash 5 users can’t do… Which makes them out of the ballpark… Which I believe shouldn’t be done at all… SO I agree with all who think this should be more centered around being able to do it in flash 5… But I also say this… If you have MX and can put new features in it… GO FOR IT… If you don’t… You can still join in. Sound fair enough?

  1. Having packs of stuff we are limited too… Well I don’t particularly like the idea for me… But… As a whole… I think it would be neat… Give a guy a library of images and see what he can make out of it… Sounds like fun to me… But as for giving them actionscript… I dunno… Things would be… a little weird… and they might look more the same then… It’s your guy’s call I know… But I figured I’d just help out wherever I can… Another opinion can never hurt… hehe…

Anyways… Those were my two main thoughts… Albeit… Just kepe the ideas nice and fresh… And I think this will be extremely popular… I’d say let’s start with the grids thing first though… Because that one seems very cool and interesting… :slight_smile:

Later on Guys

The Grid contest ended a long while ago.

Mak decided to bump this thread for confusion I bet :stuck_out_tongue:

Great ideas though.