Money convertor

Hi! My first post in this forum :slight_smile: Im trying to find some kind of convertor that converts :stuck_out_tongue: dollars to another type of money, I dont know if I explained myself, for example I write ā€œ50ā€ in the space of the dollars and when I press ā€œconvertā€ it transform that number to his equivalent in euros or something elseā€¦ ?? I think I make sense now, thanks!

mmmmm, no one :frowning:

LoLā€¦ hmmā€¦ i think this one is beyond our realm of general knowledge. Iā€™m sure it takes some JS to get it to work, some math, passing variablesā€¦ all that good stuff. Do a google search for money converter and then study the coding that others have on their sites.

there are a bunch of free scripts for that. Do a google.

ok thanks! :slight_smile: