More movieclip button fun!

Hiya - hope someone can help out a confused wolfboy! Probably very straightforward but I’m a flash newbie!!
I have a button at the end of a movieclip in scene 1. This button should go to and play scene 2 but doesn’t. Works fine in the main movie timeline but not embedded. I’ve tried adding _root. to the gotoAndPlay command but that doesn’t seem to have fixed it either … Ggrrrrrr.

Using flash mx and source attached. Thanks!!!

actually this has been asked a lot lately

I don’t know the reason … but you need to give a name to the frame you want it to play otherwise the script won’t work [size=1](thank electrongeek for that one)[/size]

like this

This is a cool board folks, btw. Haha - I’ll be back!:slight_smile: