More than one keypress


When i run this code - flash can only initiate one of the keypresses in the list and cannot ‘multitask’! Do i need to use the mutiple key detection code or is there a simpler way of doing it??? Thanks!!

[COLOR=darkgreen][COLOR=blue]on (keyPress "<Left>") {[/COLOR]
 _rotation -= 5
[COLOR=blue]on (keyPress "<right>") {[/COLOR]
 _rotation += 5
[COLOR=darkgreen][COLOR=blue]on (keyPress "<Up>") {[/COLOR]
 FwdSpd = 4
var deg =(this._rotation*(math.PI/180))
this._x = this._x + FwdSpd*math.sin(deg)
this._y = this._y - FwdSpd*math.cos(deg)
[COLOR=blue]on (keyPress "<Down>") {[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkgreen]FwdSpd = 4[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkgreen]var deg =(this._rotation*(math.PI/180))[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkgreen]this._x = this._x - FwdSpd*math.sin(deg)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkgreen]this._y = this._y + FwdSpd*math.cos(deg)[/COLOR]