Here is what is happening: I have 3 buttons. Each one uses script to tell a target movie to move to a certain _y coordinate. I am using getProperty for the beginning _y value so that if the user clicks another button while the target movie is animating it can readjust on the fly.
With the blur added, if a user clicks on another button while the movie clip is moving to the initial button’s _y coordinate, the blur freezes and only snaps into place once the new tween has finished.
If the user waits until each _y tween has reached it’s destination and THEN clicks on another button, the motion blur works great.
I have included the code. Thanks for any help.
var ContentsY:Tween = new Tween (_parent.contents,"_y", Strong.easeOut, getProperty(_parent.contents, _y),65,60,false)
var contentsBlur:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(0, 0, 1);
_parent.contents.preY = _parent.contents._y;
ContentsY.onMotionChanged = function() {
contentsBlur.blurY = Math.abs(_parent.contents._y - _parent.contents.preY);
_parent.contents.filters = [contentsBlur];
_parent.contents.preY = _parent.contents._y;
ContentsY.onMotionFinished = function() {
_parent.contents.filters = [];
delete _parent.contents.preY;
delete this;