Hi all,
I was wondering if there was a way to remove the options that you see when you play your movie and right click on the mouse i.e quality, rewind, forward, back, etc, as ive come across others that don’t have these options attached.:bandit:
yes. It’s in the publish settings though under the HTML tab. It’s the embed code itself on the page that controls wether or not you see that menu.
As an example to try out, take any movie you’ve got lying around and go to menu item"File/Publish settings". select the html tab and click off on the box that says, “show menu”, (or something really close to that.). Do a publish on the movie. Then open up the html file that is produced using a text editor.
you should see two places where the menu is mentioned in the script. One of them is the menu attribute for the embed code, and one is for the object code. You can then just add those attributes, in the proper locations, in any Flash player code you write.
It Says display menu,David.
Cheers David.:bandit: