Mouse coordinates issue in FF 3.6 on Mac OSX 10.6.3


I have encountered really bad problem in one of our Flex projects. For some reason Flash can’t get mouse coordinates properly. It returns something like (-107374182.4, -107374182.4) instead of good numbers. This happens when I’m using MOUSE_MOVE event in FF 3.6 on Mac OSX 10.6.3 with Flash Player 10. I have drag-n-drop in this projects, so with such ugly huge coords object goes far out of stage. Can’t find solution in web, but there are some relative notes found…

For example, some info regarding 107374182.4 number can be found in internet.
It seems 107374182.4 is something like NaN equivalent for some versions of Flash Player.

Also I have found some notes regarding wrong mouse handling on Mac.
The most interesting words there are: “on OSX it takes at least 1 frame to register the mouse’s position”. But it seems in my case it affects not only first frame after MOUSE_DOWN fired.

Finally, there are movie on YouTube that demonstrates MOUSE_MOVE bug on FF/Mac.

I have tried:

  • to get MouseEvent.stageX, MouseEvent.stageY (problem encountered);
  • to get DisplayObject.root.mouseX, DisplayObject.root.mouseY (problem still appear, coordinates are bad);
  • to use startDrag, stopDrag (it looks bugged too);
  • to embed SWF into HTML with different wmode values.
    Do anyone have the solution? :slight_smile: Or it’s better to inform user that his combination of browser and OS will not work properly with project?