Mouse coords outside swf file

_root._xmouse and _root._ymouse will detect the coordinates of the mouse while it’s over the flash movie and those coordinates will be relative to the dimensions of the flash movie

is it possible to detect the position of the mouse on the screen? say for instance i have an html page with a small flash file in it and i wanted to detect the mouse coordinates anywhere on the screen for use as a variable in that flash file


I don’t think so…

No, not in Flash that I know of.

I believe Director can though… not 100% on that, I don’t really know much about Director, I just remember seeing a Director movie where the interactivity seemed to follow my mouse outside the movies stage area.

did anyone ever find out any more info on whether or not it could be done in flash? i searched through like 12 pages of mouse follow posts and didnt see anything…but hoping someone had a revelation…or something…

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