Ok, this should be simple for you guys. Here is what I am trying to do:
I have this box which is a MC and it is called “orangebox”.
Now I want this box to follow my mouse, but only over a certain region. I put a rectanlge MC over the area I want the box to follow. On that rectange I put this code…
on (rollOver) {
startDrag("_root.orangebox", true, 60, 362, 742, 362);
That works fine and dandy, but I want it to ease when it follows, not stay on the mouse. I think it will give it a cooler look. The code Kirupa has for ease is…
note that i removed the endY = _root._ymouse; and the _y += (endY-_y)/speed;, coz that way the mc won´t follow the mouse vertically (y = vertical axis, and x= horizontal axis). And also, i put a couple of IFs to check if the mc whent over the desired spot, and if it does it will stop.