Mouse Follow Restriction/Position Reset

im newish to flash coding, and am having trouble with a mouse follow that i want to do and am hoping someone can help me out…
so far ive been able to get my object to follow the mouse around using the following code (logo_mc is the instance of the object im making follow the mouse):

logo_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
var xMouse = _root._xmouse;
var yMouse = _root._ymouse;
if (Math.abs(xMouse-this._x)<1) {
this._x = xMouse;
this._y = yMouse;
} else {
this._x -= (this._x-xMouse)/6;
this._y -= (this._y-yMouse)/6;

what i want to do, is make it so that once the mouse LEAVES the flash area, the object resets to the center…
any ideas/theories?