in my never ending quest to completel every tutorial here at kirupa i stumbled upon probably a really easy to solve problem… but heres what it is
i have one frame… and the code below is whats on the frame… the action isnt on any particular thing… i dont know if it should be… i just applied to to the frame
also i have an x box and a y box… both dynamic text boxes labeled with the appropriate variables… i think… hmm any ideas as to why the values just stay at 0 the whole time?
thanks in advance
cool, thanks… now i have questions…
first of all… where did u put the code to make it work? i cant find it
secondly… what did u mean by the //this is useless stuff… did u mean my code was useless or your note was useless
and also… when the x coordinate always has .95 on the end of the number… hmmmm… im slightly less confused now tho, thanks
hey… i went through yours and then tried to make my own without looking at yours… and i figured everything out… so u did a great job helping
thanks so much for the help