MOUSE_UP, Firefox, Mac (outside swf area)

Hmm, this has always been a problem. Couls simply be solved in flash 6+ by registering your mouse events on a movieclip on stage rather then using a mouse event listener.

Anyway, now we only have the listener option which makes the events to stop as soon as the mouse pointer outside the swf bounding-box…

Big problem when using drag & drop action in games etc.

On mac, safari seems ok. Tried on PC/XP IE6 + Firefox and seems to work. But in firefox or Camino and similar on Os X the mouse up event is never triggered if mouse is pressed within the swf, but released outside… (even if listening to the stage).

I know there is a Stage.mouseLeave, but that won’t work as long as the mouse is pressed and It will still stop updating the mouse x/y positions…

Hmm, any tricks here!?!?