i have an object on the stage, and, on mouse over of that object, a menu made of 4 other objects appears
works great
i want the menu to stay there as long as the mouse is over one of the objects in the menu, or the original object that spawned the menu
so for every object in the menu, and the original object that spawned the menu, i made mouse over and mouse out listeners
they keep track of weather the mouse is on one of the objects, with a boolean that is turned true on mouse over, and turned false on mouse out
and also on mouse out, there is an if statement that checks if all of these booleans are false, and if they are, the menu is removed
the problem is that, when mousing between objects, the mouse out listener for the previous object occurs before the mouse over handler of the next object, the boolean check is performed, and the menu is removed before the next mouse over boolean is turned on
i was thinking about making a timer to make the thing wait for a milisecond or 2 before making the boolean check, but there must be a better way to do this, since older computers take longer to do stuff this solution might be buggy
any ideas?