I want to do this: When the mouse is between two y-coordinates, let’s say 40 and 50, a movieclip is supposed to be moved. How should I do this? I can move the movieclip by clicking on a button but how do I do this one? And where should the code be put? I thought that this code would work if I put it in the first frame, but it’s not…
you have to make a 2-frame-loop or put the actions on a movieclip within the onClipEvent(enterFrame) handlers!
put the actions in the first frame and make another keyframe in frame 2 and add the action:
on the second keyframe so it will go to the 1st frame, then the 2nd and then the first on again!
put the actions on a movieclip like this:
enterframe triggers the actions within the handlers every frame! [ so if your fps is 20 the actions will be triggered 20 times per second ]