Ok after visiting the kirupa forum over the past week i finally got a movement script that worked. The first two movieclips move and it is all good, but I cant get the newthing movieclip to move…
can i only have two movieclips move. However the first two movieclips called to move are blank movie clips that are loaded externally is that what i am missing??
any help would be appreciated ALOT!!!
_root.products.onEnterFrame = function(){
this._x = 0-(0-this._x)/1.2
this._y = 40-(40-this._y)/1.2
_root.galleryreal.onEnterFrame = function(){
this._x = 20-(20-this._x)/1.2
this._y = -620-(-620-this._y)/1.2
_root.newthing.onEnterFrame = function(){
this._x = 40-(40-this._x)/1.2
this._y = -578-(-578-this._y)/1.2
This code is in the first frame of the main movie
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“products”, 1);
loadMovie(“products/products.swf”, _root.products);
_root.products._x = -750 ;
_root.products._y = 40 ;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("galleryreal", 2);
loadMovie("galleryDemo.swf", _root.galleryreal);
_root.galleryreal._x = 20 ;
_root.galleryreal._y = -350 ;