ok, this has been doing my balls in all frikking day. im hot, im sweaty, im tired and i really need a beer.
i am trying to create a game, with a ship, the ship chases the mouse, but i am trying to make it fire bullets when i click the mouse.
I cna get the bullets up fine, and i can make them move manually but i cant for the life of me figure out a way to make them head towards the mouse pointer (but do not chase it) and beyond. I DO NOT WANT THEM TO ‘EASE’, i want them to move at a CONSTANT rate. i have tried using mathematical formulas to create an x/y coords which failed, i have tried playing with a circle but failed, i have tried to create a dummy movieclip then move to that but that also failed and i have spent atleast 4 hours searching google for ANYTHING of use but nothing. is it just getting to me and im not seeing the obvious??. im sorry if this sounds ranty but… STRESSED!!!
any formulas, links to guides, hints, etc. would be highly appreciated!!