Move movieClip

I would like to move my movieclip from left to right, depending where my cursor pointing?
it seems like it should be the simplest of tasks, sense alot of pages has one of those. something like that, witch easing in and out and stoping when reaches the end!

it would be awsome if I could get some help!

var center:Number = stage.stageWidth/2
var scrollArea:MovieClip;
var pikz:Arraay = new Array();

for(var n:int;n<pikz.length; n++):void{

function scrollIt(e:Event):void{
if(mouseX < center-10){
scrollArea.x -= 1;
}else if(mouseX > center+10){
scrollArea.y += 1;

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scrollIt);

that should get you going in the right path
let me know when you get that working if you need more help:thumb2: