Moveclip Colide

Do you know how to make movie clips change colour when you hit them with another movie clip?

E.g: I have a football, when it hits the goal, the goal changes colour.

Do i have to make a few frames on goal, 1st frame stop(); with normal goal and a few frames after with colours?

I would use this:

you can tell a movieClip to do various things with the detection. I’m actually in the midst of learning it myself.

Well as you can see, it says it colides when it touches goal. Even though it is not actually touching the goal like the ball.

I didn’t see much of a problem…The text changes when the ball hits the goal, or at least seems to. I don’t think I understand the problem.

Play the game, you only score when the ball goes smaller and hits the goal… So i want the movie clip to go to a different keyframe when the ball actually goes IN the goal, not at same x and y co-ords.

First of all, I can’t seem to score any goals - it stays at zero. Beyond the x and y coords and _yscale being<20, what do you mean by in? And if so, you would just add this code to your
if (hitTest(_root.ball )&& _root.ball._yscale<20 && _root.time>0) {
//this line:
//the 2 can be either the frame number or name in " ".

Is that what you mean?