
Probably threads before this one. . . anyways how would I go about making a guy walk left and right.

  1. Would I make a movie clip and then the movments in it.
  2. Then I would script the movment (of course)

so can someone help me with the script?


You could try:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
	if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
		this._xscale = 100;
		this._x += 3;
	if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
		this._xscale = -100;
		this._x -= 3;

Basic walk code.

I did that but, he moves but doesnt do walk animation.

I made him a movieclip then inside of it I made two frames then named frame 1 walk.
Did I do something wrong?

Send me the fla, Ill see whats wrong.

Ok, I have’nt used flash in a while I’m a little rusty I used to know how to before but I guess I forgot.


Darn! Beat me to the help!


Nevermind I fixed it. Thanks for the help

This was just a test until I draw the real character and animations for him.
Now how would I do something like this in speaking.

Such as the particles/debris flying from the things you are cutting up and enemys that when chainsawed, play their dying animation when let go of the chainsaw(like how they know they were hit with the chainsaw and how the player knew he couldnt go any further because of the enemy blocking his way)

I hope you understand what I mean.

No offence man, but that is a really messed up game! Chain sawing people :huh:?!