Movie clip button inside some movies clips HELP!

hey guys…
well i have 12 animated movie clip buttons inside a movie called insidesend_mc thats inside a movie clip called sendmenu_mc, so its like this.


well i can target the movie clip buttons fine when i write the following code within the insidesend_mc on an actions layer i made with the following code.

this.team1btn_mc.onRelease = function() {
if (_global.Isteam1btn == 0) {
} else if (_global.Isteam1btn == 2) {
but what im wanting cos i am wanting to beable to put them on the main timeline of the swf and the following code which i think should work for that dosent work when i put it on the main timeline first frame.

this.sendmenu_mc.insidesend_mc.team1btn_mc.onRelease = function() {
if (_global.Isteam1btn == 0) {
} else if (_global.Isteam1btn == 2) {
and im wanting it on the first frame of the main timeline because i have arrays that that i want to add values too when thease buttons are clicked on and i cant do that if the other code is inside the movieclips.

i know how to make it add to the array its just i need the onrelease code for the movie clip buttons to be on the first frame of the main timeline.
This is an animated menu btw if ur wondering why its setup how it is.

Thanks in advanced hope someone can help.