Movie clip buttons with down state PLEASE HELP!

Hi all

Flash beginer, sorry if this is a simple question.

I’m working on a new site for the company I work for and I want to have a flash menu. See my example

I’ve managed to get the buttons glowing on the roll over and then returning to the original state on roll out, this looks really nice and I’m happy with it but I want:-

When a button is clicked like beds for instance I want this to remain with a large glow ie. the roll over state until a new button is pressed. When the new button is clicked this will then become highlighed so the user always knows which page they are on. Only one button can have a down state at a time.

I will appreciate any help but please bear in mind that my action script isn’t great. I undestand what I’m looking at but i find writing it difficult but I’m determined to learn.

