I’m going to start making a website using Flash MX and have already come to a problem.To reduce the size of the site i want to open different parts of the site in certain places on the page.
I know that you can create some sort of container that the certain movie clips load into but I dont know how to do this,the tutorial I can find on here is one on a container in which you have to press a button to start it.
I want to know how to make the container get the specific URL automatically.
Can anyone help me on this? I would be very happy if you could.
By ‘container’ you must mean an empty movieclip. What you need to to is create an empty movieclip, put it on your main stage give it an instance name like ‘container’ the use Loadmovie to load in the different parts or SWF’s into that container, and dont forget to reference it as the target.
There are loads of tutorials for this and Loadmovie though, I should know I have been reading all of em for days now!
Just type it into Google.
Hope that helps.
Ok,i have now worked how to do it.Thanks for the help anyway.
Can you change the size of the swf that you are loading by changing the size of the container? I have been trying to do this but it isnt working,do you know how?
Cheers :crazy: