Movie Clip Jams Up

Hello everyone, “AS” newbie here. I have an issue with some AS. At this address:

As you roll over your mouse progressively faster over the building(s), the individual highlights for the buildings (movie clips inside the main movie) seem to jam up. I have frame rate at 30 which I don’t want to go any faster unless I need to. I think its an issue of my Action Script. The below address:

Shows my new Action Script, which is verison 7. Basically I’ve created a function that will allow my building to utilize the _visible property, true is they are shown, false if not. But I can’t for the life of me figure out how to call the individual highlight movie clips inside my main timeline to actually show the highlight. The AS for the function I believe is fine, just missing one part.

The function looks like this in the main timeline:

var clipNames=["graff","lincoln","ic","ice","icw","tec","cec","bic","ittc","childcare","bookstore"];//etc...

function setHighlight(clip:String){
     // here we pass in a string for the name of the clip we want to highlight
     // ie: "graff"
     // next, loop through the array
     for(var i=0;i<clipNameslength;i++){
          // if the string passed in matches the current array item, highlight it
          // if not, turn it off
// this will turn off all clips to start


The way I target the movie clip building is like so:


The individual movie clips are two frame sequences, with the first being stop and the second frame showing the code above. I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions.