Movie clip triggered by XML data. possible?

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Hello all, first time posting here …… I was hoping somebody can help me out or point me in the right direction…[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Heres my situation:[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]I followed a tutorial about using the XML connector component, that has to do with loading text into a text area for example….everything works great!..but I keep wondering is it all possible for the data “text” that is coming from the XML file to trigger a movie clip that’s placed on the stage already…or library….or change visibility… or play this or that movie clip?..[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]EG…[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Heres the XML stuff[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8” ?>[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]<DATA>[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]<STATUS>0</STATUS>[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]the status part only changes between 2 numbers…0 and 1….is it possible to make those numbers in the XML trigger a movie clip to play or show itself?[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]EG… If 0 is found in the XML file movie clip 0 would play/showitself… is 1 is found in the XML file movie clip 1 would play/showitself?[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]I tried to explain it as best as I can…any help is much appreciated !!![/FONT][/SIZE]