Movie clip with text

hey all.

everyone seems to have problems with LoadVars() (porting text from a server-side to FLASH). I’ve managed to get that working. HOWEVER, even though the text shows up fine in the SWF, I want to be able to do some sort of tween to it (example: give it an _ALPHA of 0 and then bust it up to 100 when i want it to).

In the attached .FLA, there are two boxes: one is the MOVIE CLIP (a text box under) and the other is a text box. the text box outputs fine, but the MOVIE CLIP doesn’t do anything.

Here’s the code (actionscript):

myData = new LoadVars();

myData.onLoad = function()




placeTheDataIntoTheRightPlace = function()
	txtBox1.text = myData.output;
        txtBox2.text = myData.output2; //this one is under the MC entitled 'movieClip_mc'
