Movie Clips

Hey gang,

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I am a novice at Flash and would greatly appreciate any feedback. I have decided to try my hand at developing a personal site in flash as I don’t know how to do it in HTML etc… I used to do a little animation in the 80’s hence my interst in flash as I understand the concept of the interface a little better. My first question is, is it better to create a site out of a lot of little movie clips and embed them in one large one? Will this make the movie run/load faster? Also, how do you tell flash to jump from one movieclip to another when a user hits a button in say for instance the interface/menu? is this an actionscript thing only? Lastly, any recommendations for size comstraints vs. browsers? I have a mac with a flat panel, so I really like the standard flash document size, but I realize this might not be acceptable for all viewers running at lower resolutions and I’d like to avoid any distortion. Any info/help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Best regards,