I have many movieclips -I have 10 movieclips for each type-and i have around 7 types of movie clips (ex. 10 red squares, 10 green triangles, 10 blue circles movieclips) now I want a different action to occur if any of the movieclips get clicked-but the same action should occur if the same type gets clicked (ex. if the user clicks on any of the blue circle-it should get dragged, if they click on any of the green triagles-it should get deleted and so on)
what’s an efficient way of doing it except for
if square1.onclick=square2.onlick=function()…
if triangle1.onclick=triangle2.onlick=function()…
there’s a prototype-but that affects all the movieclips-is there a way for me to make each of the movie clips-sort of a different category (object) so that way I can use prototype keyword-or anything else-to have the same affect? and not have to write repetitious code? (maybe some sort of inheritence to movieclip)
thank you
if you need any additional info-let me know