Movie Communication_onRollOut

i am having trouble making 2 movies communicate with one another.
one movie ([COLOR=Teal]series[/COLOR]) is embedded into the other ([COLOR=Blue]content2[/COLOR]).
[COLOR=Blue]‘content2’[/COLOR] is a horizontal scroll menu of images. [COLOR=Blue]‘series’[/COLOR] is a movie that
holds [COLOR=Blue]‘content2’[/COLOR] and contains a mask which will reveal everything upon
the rollover of the [COLOR=Red]‘series’[/COLOR] button. [COLOR=Magenta]i can get the scroll to show and work
when the button is rolled over but it fails to hide on roll out.[/COLOR]

here is the code i have used on the roll over button called ‘series’:

stop(); // stop the movie clip from playing (stop button from growing, we want that when the mouse rolls over only
sym2.onEnterFrame = function(){
	if(rewind == true){   //if rewind switch is set to true play backwards
		prevFrame();        // play backwards

sym2.onRollOver = function(){
	rewind = false; //set variable (or switch) that decides wether ot not to play backwards...
	play();    // play this movie clip.. (grow the button(tween));
	if (_root.start_mc.navigation._visible == 0) {
        _root.start_mc.navigation._visible = 1;
    } else {
        _root.start_mc.navigation._visible = 0;

sym2.onRollOut = function(){
	rewind = true;    //set or rewind switch to true so it will play backwards...
	if (_root.start_mc.navigation._visible == 1) {
        _root.start_mc.navigation._visible = 0;
    } else {
        _root.start_mc.navigation._visible = 1;

again, the roll out function isn’t working. can someone please help me. the .fla is attached.
thank you.