
hi there guys…i want to help me with smth because i’m stuck and i have read lots of forums but i didn’t come up with smth…
well i have 3 buttons which are movieclips with labels so i can have nice effects…i put them in an array so when one is pressed the others turn off and so on…up to here i dont have any problems…

I will attach the file so you can understand better and hope to find me a solution flash “gurus”!!!the file is saved in flash mx 2004

what i want to do is when the movie starts scrollablemc plays and stops where it has the first stop…o.k?when the movie loads and i press button1 i dont want to play it again…!!understand
then when i press button2 i want scrollablemc gotoAndPlay label “reverse1” and also start playing the other movie which is movie_services…o.k?
when i press the third button i want movie_services gotoAndPlay label"reverse2"and start playing the other movie which is movie_knowl…
and finally when i press button1 movie_knowl gotoAndPlay label “reverse3”
and start playing again scrollablemc…o.k?
I hope you will understand my problem and find me a simple script :angel: