Movie width and height

Somebody was wondering how to adjust a MC’s movie height and width to the stages but somehow the post got deleted but I was in the process of answering the question. Here is the answer anyways just to post it.

For some reason these numbers were off but I see that no matter what I change the stage to they seem to always stay the same.

onClipEvent(load) {
trace(“The height is:” + Stage.height);
trace(“The width is:” + Stage.width);
this._width = Stage.width+4; //change the 4 to whatever the difference is between the actual width and what the trace says.
this._height = Stage.height+104;//change the 104 to whatever the difference is between the actual height and what the trace says.


Maybe this will help somebody…

The same thread was posted in the Flash ActionScript section. That’s why the thread in this section was deleted. :slight_smile:

I see this now…