Movie with preloader

first of all i am a newbie.
i have an animation on the intro page with a sound of a man talking and some flashing text, after the whole animation is over, it redirects to the main page of my website.
i want to make a preloader to this intro so that my visitors know how much there are still to load.

i tried to make it the same as described in the tutorial on this site and i was able to do it perfectly. but i didnt know where to add my intro movie. should i make the preloader and the movie in the same file ?? or seperately ??

here is a sketch of the intro animation:
-flashing text while the man talks, with a small skip button that sends the visitor to the main page and skip the intro.
-when man is over talking, the flashing text change to a static text saying that it will be redirected to the main page soon. (here the skip button is gone).
-after 3 seconds of displaying this static text, the main page opens.

sorry this is long, but can someone help me step by step ???

i suggest you go to Preloaders , and get one of the “plug and play” preloaders, and study how it is made. Good luck:rambo:

im still learning stuff like this myself , but have u tried having the preloader as a layer in your movie. but have it in frame1 , then put your movie in frame 2 onwards of the movie’s layer (so u should get 2 layers) , that way the preloader should (in theory) happen before your movie begins.

my movie already has 3 layers: for the sound, for the flashing text and for the skip button.