hi all…
i’ve got a concept question… here goes
i have a button defined as movieclip which onRollover and onRollout it will gotoAndPLay on a certain frame in this movieclip… this works well…
for this button(defined as movieclip symbol), the rollover and rollout function is the same… therefore i put this movieclip(the button) inside another movieclip(lets call this buttonParent )… so whenever i drag this buttonParent onto the stage… the rollover and rollout function will work and i do not need to script it again…
the problem is… as the onRelease function for these buttons are different… i defined their onRelease script on the buttonParent… i tested the movie and the onRollover and onRollOut script doesn’t work… why is dat?
hope u guys understand what i’m asking… thanks and what is the solution to this?