Please please please…can someone help with this? I’m trying to make an empty movieclip (content) that loads an external swf move above some other movieclips after is is fully loaded, and another movieclip (stage_mc) hits frame 25.
It needs to load behind and the stage_mc, then move above it when stage_mc hits frame25.
I tried this code on the main timeline, and the main timeline is one frame.
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if (_root.stage_mc._currentframe == 25){
trace("frame 25");
and it’s not working. I’ve also tried it without the this.onEnterFrame, and another variation on the content mc.
None of these things are working. Can anyone help? I’m guessing I’m waaay off on my coding. I’ve only been trying to learn actionscript since October.
Thanks to anyone who can help out here:cowbell: