MovieClip Issue

Hello all,

I am having a movie clip issue. I don’t normally use flash in this way but I am trying to learn some new things.

I have a movieclip that acts as a rollover…you rollover the clip and it presents more information. Within that clip is another movie clip that when you rollover it, the clip slightly enlarges - signifying a link.

the problem is the top movie clip loads and goes through it’s animation/rollover action just fine…however the movie clip inside does not go through it’s animation/rollover.

Here is the movieclip AS that I am using:


this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){ //if rewind switch is set to true play backwards
prevFrame(); // play backwards

this.onRollOver = function(){
rewind = false; //set variable (or switch) that decides wether ot not to play backwards…
gotoAndPlay(“Finance”, 1); // play this movie clip… (grow the button(tween));

this.onRollOut = function(){
gotoAndPlay(“Finance”, 1); // play this movie clip… (grow the button(tween));

this.onRelease = function(){

Does any one have a clue as to what is stopping the clip?