Movieclip over a Moveclip, both on stage, activate mouse event?

Hi got MC A and MC B. MC B is directly under MC A. They are both indepedent on the stage, meaning they are not children of a bigger mc container. They both have rollover events, how can I activate the rollover events of MC B???

Im aware of mouseChildren and mouseEnabled, but that requires them to be in the same container…

in as2, that top clip is always going to block the bottom clip mouse events. So, in the onRollOver event on the top clip, you’ll have to run a bit of logic to determine if the mouse is over the bottom clip. This can be done with hitTest or (imo a better/more accurate way) see if the mouse _xmouse, _ymouse are over the area of your bottom clip… if so, you can force a mcB.onRollOver(); event.

Hope this helps

ahhh, meant as3

the way I would do it is to test the distance between the mouse and MC-B if the distance is low enough trigger an event.

dx = _root.point1._x - _root.point2._x
dy = _root.point1._y - _root.point2._y
distance = Math.sqrt((dxdx)+(dydy))