MovieClip Scrolling creates Problem

Hi here is the my problem…
i am making scrollBar

i have one MovieClip named “ScrollBar”

it Contains two MovieClip named “base” and “thumb”

scroll Bar contains Both MovieClip:


ScrollBar Height is of 400;
base height is of 400;
and thumb is of 75;

when i scalled “scrollBar” all are scaled its ok and it also looks scaled
but still it preserve its origionall height;
when i check its property it gives its origionally height as 400 bt phisically it looks small…

for scrollBar purpose when i check thumb is not outside movieCip’s height it checks with “scrollBar’s” height bt it behaves with respect to “base” height.

mean with respect to my this code it misBehaves :
mean “thumb” stop even it is not reached to end of “base”
so that is my problem.

_Height = height - 2;
init_Pos_Thumb = y+1;

if (thumb_mc.y + thumb_mc.height + scrollAmount > _Height)
				thumb_mc.y  = (_Height - 1) - thumb_mc.height ;
				_source.y = y + height - _source.height;
				isUP = true;
				isDOWN = false;

			if (thumb_mc.y < init_Pos_Thumb)
				thumb_mc.y = init_Pos_Thumb;
				_source.y = y;
				isUP = false;
				isDOWN = true;

plz help me
thnx in advance

here is start scroll thumb position

here is endScroll thumb position