Hello I have been looking for an hour now and cant find a thing to help so maby one of you flash wizards out there can.
I have a movie clip with a stop action in the middle of it and when I click on a button on the navigation I want the movie clip to play the second half of the animation then when its finished I want it to do a gotoandplay depending on the button I clicked from the navigation.
Basicaly mc playes half way threw to s stop();
user click on a button from the navigation bar
mc finishes playing and does a gotoandplay depending on the button the user clicked
I have a few of these and am trying to find some actionscript to help so I dont have to make every posible transition because that would take way to long. I am thinking I have to use listeners or somthing. Now keep in mind I am a very new at actionscript so If you can help try to explain it so I can understand it. Thanks for reading this and I hope you can help.