can someone help?
i’ve been trying to solve this problem for a few days:
i have an array of MovieClips that contains external images.
i’m trying to find what is the width of a certain image/movieclip in that array.
i used duplicatMovieClip when i created the array and loaded the images in it.
for example:
in frame 1:
[COLOR=darkorchid]var NumberOfImages = 17;[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorchid]var LocationToImages = “INSPIRATION/”;[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorchid]var FileType = “.jpg”;[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorchid]var imgSHOW = 16; //(or any other random number)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorchid]var mc = 1;[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorchid]while (mc <= _root.NumberOfImages) {[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorchid]MyArray2[mc] = _root.LocationToImages+mc+_root.FileType;[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorchid]MyArray2[“newCONT” + mc] = duplicateMovieClip(“CONT”,“newCONT”+mc,mc);[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorchid]loadMovie(MyArray2[mc], “newCONT” + mc);[/COLOR]
NOW I WANT TO GET the width of a certain MovieClip - BUT IT RETURNS - 0 (ZERO)
(as if refering to the original empty MovieClip (“CONT”))
[COLOR=darkorchid]if (mc > _root.NumberOfImages) {[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorchid]imgSHOW = Math.floor(Math.random()*(_root.NumberOfImages))+ 1;[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorchid]wid = _root.INSP[“newCONT”+imgSHOW]._width; [/COLOR][COLOR=red]// this is the problematic line[/COLOR]
this line works well when being called from a button release (in the same scene):
[COLOR=darkorchid]on (release) { [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorchid]WID = _root.INSP[“newCONT”+imgSHOW]._width;[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]WHY CAN’T I GET THE WIDTH In the first frame in the exact same??[/COLOR]
(i feel that the solution is not that complicated…)
Thanks a lot!