Im doing a class that is, among other things, supposed to load movieclips contained within the library (not separate .swf’s) into another movieclip.
Well, Im trying to use the new MovieClipLoader for that part, which looks something like this:
// CREATE: MovieClipLoader.
var MCL_1 = new MovieClipLoader();
// LOAD: sub_MC into another super_MC
MCL_1.loadClip( _root.sub_MC, _root.super_MC);
The super_MC exists on the stage of the file.
The sub_MC exists in the library of the file, and not on stage.
That wont work. Perhaps the “loadClip”-function can only load external swf-files like this:
// CREATE: MovieClipLoader.
var MCL_1 = new MovieClipLoader();
// LOAD: External SWF into super_MC
MCL_1.loadClip( “myPath/ExternalSWF.swf”, _root.super_MC);
…which btw works like a charm.
Am I using the wrong function (loadClip)?
Or do I have to do something with my movieclips in the library to make them accessable somehow?