MovieClipLoader onProgress not firing


I’m tried and I can’t stop the bug. Does anyone want to give me a hand:

var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var mcl_L:Object = new Object();
function load_pic() {
    if (this.hitTest(this._parent._parent._xmouse, this._parent._parent._ymouse, true)) {
        mcl.loadClip(images[this.num], picture_mc);
        mcl_L.onLoadStart = function() {
            trace("load started"); // traces just fine!
        mcl_L.onLoadProgress = function(target, loaded, total) {
            trace("running"); // never fires!
            var per:Number = Math.round(loaded/total);
            if (per>0) {
                preloader_mc._visible = true;
                preloader_mc.bar_mc._xscale = per;
        mcl_L.onLoadInit = function() {
            trace("loaded"); // traces just fine
            preloader_mc._visible = false;
            picture_mc._x = BG_mc._x+(BG_mc._width/2)-(picture_mc._width/2);
            picture_mc._y = BG_mc._y+(BG_mc._height/2)-(picture_mc._height/2);

Stop the bug?