Well heres the deal, I’ve got quite a few images that are being loaded into my project through the MovieClipLoader function, anyway, when they are loaded to a specific MovieClip, their registration point is set to the top left corner (0, 0).
Is there any way of adjusting the registration point for this MovieClip? Or would I have to something like the following:
var pL:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
// loader
var baseClip:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 1);
// this is the clip used to change the registration point
var pictureClip:MovieClip = baseclip.createEmptyMovieClip("picture", 1);
// The clip actually holding the picture
pL.loadClip("picturename", pictureClip);
// Load the image to the MovieClip
pictureClip._x = -pictureClip._width / 2;
pictureClip._y = -pictureClip._height / 2;
// Set the X and Y of the picture to the middle of baseClip
I don’t know if the above is even possible, but thats what I’d guess, if there is no way of setting the registration point in a easier way. I feel that the above is such a waste.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for any replies.