MovieClipLoader +registration point [Flash 8, AS2]


Well heres the deal, I’ve got quite a few images that are being loaded into my project through the MovieClipLoader function, anyway, when they are loaded to a specific MovieClip, their registration point is set to the top left corner (0, 0).

Is there any way of adjusting the registration point for this MovieClip? Or would I have to something like the following:

var pL:MovieClipLoader   = new MovieClipLoader(); 
// loader

var baseClip:MovieClip    = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 1); 
// this is the clip used to change the registration point

var pictureClip:MovieClip = baseclip.createEmptyMovieClip("picture", 1);
// The clip actually holding the picture

pL.loadClip("picturename", pictureClip);
// Load the image to the MovieClip

pictureClip._x = -pictureClip._width / 2;
pictureClip._y = -pictureClip._height / 2;
// Set the X and Y of the picture to the middle of baseClip

I don’t know if the above is even possible, but thats what I’d guess, if there is no way of setting the registration point in a easier way. I feel that the above is such a waste.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for any replies.

naw you got it thats what you need to do…but why are you changeing the registration point? most of the time the best bet is to work with 0,0 as the reg point at least in my experience

changing the registration point is fine but i hardly ever really need to do it that way.

Thanks for the reply! And I need the registration point in the middle cause the user are able to rotate the clips by hand, and when rotating around (0, 0) the rotation looks awkward to say the least. So I wanted them to rotate by the middle :slight_smile: