Moving Duplicated MC's

Hey Guys,
I’m very much a noob in terms of actionscripting (I use MX), and I was wondering if I could enlist your aid.
For right now, I’m trying to get the hang of Duplicated MC’s.

Right now, my practice animation is like this:

A one frame movie clip with actionscript tweening a black ball.
Basically, my AS just makes it move to the right as it gets smaller and fades with alpha. This part works fine.

I put this above movie clip (ball, let’s call it) in another MC.
Now this MC (let’s call it BallTween) has AS on it which duplicates the ball movie clip 30 times with a for loop (q is my incrementing variable).

Now I read a tutorial on a forum that suggested using a
mc = _parent[‘newball’+q] to control the duplicated movie clips as they are generated, but this doesn’t seem to be working for me.

Is there any really comprehensive tutorial on this kind of AS around? I would really like to get good at manipulating duplicateMovieClips. Does anybody have a simple way to do this from the ground up, instead of solving a problem in an existing flash project?

Thanks in advance,

show your code and we can tell you whats wrong

This is the AS for “ball”:

if (this.alpha <=0)
stop(); //don’t think this last part here is working

here is the AS for ballTween:

for(q=1; q< 30; q++){
duplicateMovieClip(ball2,“newball”+q, q);
mc = this[‘newball’+q];
mc._x -=(10+(q*2));



The above actually works now (i used this instead of _parent on the mc = this[newball] part. For the life of me I thought I tried this last night. ARGH!

Can anybody suggest how to make these animations appear staggered? (I.E. A delay between each duplicated movie clip).
The effect i want is like a rocket ship exhaust trail, like smoke puffs following eachother as each fades and winks out.

Thanks a lot everybody, and I would still really appreciate any tutorials you guys have that make this stuff easier.


Thanks again.