Moving function

I use the following function to move a mc to a certain y position. When that y position is reached the mc goes back to it’s original position:

function moveInOut (clip, yPos, speed){
	var yStart = clip._y ;
	var yTarget = yPos;
	clip.onEnterFrame = function (){
		var dY= yTarget - this._y;
		this._y += dY / speed;
		if (Math.abs(dY) < 2){
			if (yTarget == yPos) {
				yTarget = yStart ;
			else {
				this._y = yStart;
				delete this.onEnterFrame;
} ;

and on the button:

on (release) {
moveInOut (menu, 200, 10)

But I don’t want the mc going back to it’s original position but to a completely different y position to create kind of a bounce effect

Has anybody an idea how to accomplish that?

Thanks in advance